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Revolutionize Your Workday: How to Build Your Own Outdoor Walking Desk

My new invention: The Outdoor Walking Desk! 🚶‍♂️

I wrote up a free instructional kit for you to be able to assemble your own (link below) 👇

Tired of being stuck inside all day, sitting at a desk for hours on end? If so, this is the perfect solution for you!
I do all types of work while using this outside. Email, writing, meetings, reading, coding, etc. The only tasks that are hard are those that need pixel-perfect design.
If nothing else, humor me by downloading the free PDF & sending it to someone who would laugh. It’s my first time creating something like this 🤞

Whatcha think? Love it, hate it, think you’d use it? 
Seen me walking around Silicon Valley with this?