
Refueling Your Tank

Whenever you go to refuel your car, think about how you’re doing on refueling in your personal life.

I recently went on a road trip with my mom up to Wheaton College from home. It was over 2,000 miles, and it was a lot of fun! One thing we had to do a lot was stop for gas to refuel.

This got me thinking. That is a lot like how life works.

When you’re driving, you can only go so far before you need to refuel your gas tank. Otherwise, bad things will happen. You’ll run out of gas, get stuck on the side of the road, and have to wait a long time before you can get gas and get going again. There may have been someone you needed to see or some appointment to go to. But you missed it, because you didn’t take the time earlier in your day to refuel before it got to breaking point of running out. But you must face the consequences of running on empty.

Just as in driving, the same thing happens in life. If we let ourselves get too tired or worn out or push ourselves to our limit for too long, then we will run out of gas too. We’ll get mad at people we care about, won’t act like ourselves, and will hurt the people around us. We won’t perform as well or think as clearly or make as good of decisions, because we’re drained and don’t have any energy left.

But there’s a solution to this. Refuel along the way. If we refuel often, then we will be energized and ready to lead and be ourselves. 

You may be thinking: “That’s a great idea, but how can I better refuel?”

Well let me share some of the ways that I try to refuel myself:

  • Hanging out with God and reading His Word.
  • Having tons of fun and having good conversation with people like my family, my girlfriend, and my friends.
  • Getting 8 hours of sleep.
  • Working out and exercising.
  • Doing work I’m passionate about.


Whenever you go to refuel your car, think about how you’re doing on refueling in your personal life.


What are some ways you refill in your life? Comment below your ways!