b2bmarketing careerdevelopment

30-Day Marketing Plan & Findings

I like to create a deck of my initial findings after one month of starting a new job. This helps others catch the vision for where we can go, creates a good opportunity for feedback & discussion, and helps others learn my thought process.

Here’s the format I most recently used at HST Pathways:

2 slides:
Marketing Findings
Non-Marketing Findings

Each slide had 4 boxes:
Observations – Highlights
Observations – Opportunities/Lowlights
Where You Can Help

In the past, I sometimes have deep dives on specific topics too.

If you have a team, many of the observations and recommendations will be a synthesis of what they have suggested to you and what you have seen yourself.

Have you done something similar before? What format do you like to use?
Think you might try this in your next job?