Are you & your direct reports on the same page with their performance? Do you know how satisfied they are with their job? When is the last time you got a bunch of feedback from them?
Here’s a structured way to get feedback and intentionally check in with your team that Keiko and Christina created that works well.
I’ve used similar structures in the past, but I like the simplicity of this one. Hope you do too!
>>>Part 1 of the doc: Employee assessment<<<
1. How would you evaluate your performance in Q3?
[ ] Exceeding expectations
[ ] Consistently meeting expectations
[ ] Inconsistently meeting expectations
[ ] Not meeting expectations
[ ] Not sure what is expected of me, so it’s hard to answer
2. Overall, are you satisfied with your job?
[ ] Extremely satisfied
[ ] Frequently satisfied
[ ] Not always satisfied
[ ] Not at all satisfied
3. Which 1-2 value(s) did you most exhibit in Q3?
4. Please provide a short explanation (up to 300 words) or bullet points for your answers above. We will discuss more during our check-in.
5. What will you strive to achieve this quarter and how can I help you? (up to 150 words)
6. What feedback or suggestions do you have for me to be a better manager for you? (up to 150 words)
>>>Part 2 of the doc: Manager assessment<<<
1. How would you evaluate your employee’s performance in Q3?
[ ] Exceeding expectations
[ ] Consistently meeting expectations
[ ] Inconsistently meeting expectations
[ ] Not meeting expectations
2. Which 1-2 value(s) did your employee most exhibit in Q3?
3. Please provide a short explanation (up to 300 words) or bullet points for your answers above. We will discuss more during our check-in.
4. What feedback or advice do you have for your employee to continue growing? (up to 150 words)
Useful? Do you have a structure you like more for quarterly check-ins?