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Unlocking B2B Success: Discovering Your ‘Date WOW’ and ‘Marry WOW’ for High-Impact Business Meetings

Do you know what your “Date WOW” and “Marry WOW” is for your B2B target audience?

Date WOW – what is that thing in the 1st meeting that gets the prospect to lean forward in their seat and say wow? It might be solving a problem in a unique way, an easy way you integrate with their system, or a report.
You need this to get the second “date” aka the second meeting with the prospect.

Marry WOW – what is it that will help the champion at the prospect get internal buy-in from more senior people? Showing the vision for why you’re a great partner long-term is key.

When you figure this out, you can rinse and repeat and scale to lots of buyers b/c you understand what they care about most & how you can help.

Shoutout to Tae Hea Nahm & Bob Tinker for their “GTM Fit” terminology & framework that I’m summarizing here.

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Revamping Your GTM Strategy: Key Expectations for Mid-Market and Enterprise Audiences

Trying to move upmarket in your GTM strategy?
Here are expectations that change with a MM and ENT audience. Make sure to change your GTM strategies accordingly:

BEFORE Form Fill:
– Talk to peers before buying
– Research on their own beforehand

Early Stage Sales:
– Do a trial / PoC with you
– Review your knowledge base
– Review your API documentation

Late Stage Sales:
– Check tech stack / custom integration requirements
– Go through security review (and legal review)
– Dig into product fit

– Expect professional services as an option to help them
– Expect you to have an implementation process
– Expect a CSM to guide them regularly

What would you add to this list?

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How to Define your ICP with “ICP Rings”: A New Framework for Finding Your Best Customers

I’ve developed a new framework for defining ICPs & your GTM focus called the “ICP Rings”.

Most companies COULD serve many types of customers, but there’s a smaller subset of them that is your SWEET SPOT.

Using concentric circles, you can align everyone on the different levels & definitions of your ICP.

Each ring is a tighter, better fit ICP for your company. Add the characteristics that are most important for each level. I gave examples of them in the image.

Size your market so that you know the potential TAM of each ICP ring.

Then as a leadership team decide what level you want your GTM motions to focus on.

ICP template slide here.

Why is this valuable?

  • It bridges the gap between everyone you could serve and who you should really focus on acquiring
  • By getting explicit alignment on which ring(s) you want to go after, you’ll reduce friction and misalignment between departments and teams.

Think you could use this in your org?