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Mastering Employee Onboarding: A Comprehensive Guide to Your First Day Template

I want new employees to feel welcomed and have clear expectations when they join my team. That’s why I created a simple onboarding document template that is shared with them on their first day (see template below).

In addition to meeting important colleagues, this is an easy way for them to start out on the right foot.

Below is part of the onboarding template we use.
Let me know if you like it or would add anything to it (ignore the lack of formatting on LinkedIn).

Hi ,

We’re excited that you’ve joined Voximplant! Below are helpful resources and initial projects. I’ll be meeting weekly with you to support you, check in, and try to clear roadblocks out of your way. Please reach out if you have any questions.

It is worth noting that we are very big proponents of feedback. People grow through learning what they are doing well to strengthen those skills and learning what they can improve upon. We are big fans of unsolicited feedback. Make sure to give and receive feedback early, often, and with grace. We want to help make each other better!

Daily Working
– Document collaboration and editing – We like to use Google Drive and related apps for most work.
– Messaging and collaboration – we use Slack to help us increase collaboration and team visibility, interact with each other better, be more productive, and be more aware of what’s going on.

– Identify what you hope to learn from this job in the next six months and what your potential future goals are
– Share any needs or accommodations that I should be aware of
– Follow these Slack channels: – Add your picture in G Suite and Slack
– Review the Marketing Single Source of Truth spreadsheet, especially
— Pitch decks
— Kit Solution Overview
— Platform Technical Buyers Guide
– Familiarize yourself with the products. Examples for how to do this include:
— Watch some of our YouTube videos
— Review the website
— Read our customer stories

How to Use Jira and Submit Tickets

First Projects (in order of priority)

We’re excited to have you on the team! Let me know if you have any questions.
