My wife made a “glossary for non-Marketing folks” & sent it to my family after I shared a Marketing podcast I was on.
She’s a Soil Scientist so I’m amazed at how accurate her jargon decryption is!
Here’s what she sent: 🔥🤯
-ICP = ideal customer profile
-CAC = cost of acquiring customer
-pipeline = sales/marketing pipeline from potential customer (lead) to sales-identified great fit (opportunity) to closed-won (customer chose Zingtree!)
-OKRs = objectives & key results (to define goals/track outcomes)
-keywords = company selected words/phrases for paid search ads (ex. Someone types “customer support software” into Google, & if it’s a Zingtree keyword phrase, the algorithm may show an ad based on the bid settings ($))
-demand gen = creating awareness/demand for your product & the problem it solves for customers
-demand capture = getting potential customers into the sales pipeline of your specific brand/solution
Pretty impressive for someone not in Marketing, right?!
I guess we’ve talked about my job a lot 😅
You should use this when teaching your family what you do!