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Boosting Brand Awareness: How Zingtree Reached Over a Quarter of its Target Audience in Just 30 Days

27%+ of our entire target audience has now learned about Zingtree in the last 30 days 🔥
Before, probably <2% knew about us. How did this happen? We started running educational category, product, & customer ads on LinkedIn and Facebook. Optimized for DISTRIBUTION and REACH, not for lead gen forms or website visits. Each person in the 27% saw our ads avg 7+ times in that month, so we kept a high frequency. And there are fresh messages: 3 themes with a total of 20 different ads, so they’re not seeing the exact same thing. Our goal is to educate them in the feed itself; not optimize for getting them to click out of LI or FB. If they happen to click through to our site, that’s a good proxy sign of their high interest! But it’s not the main goal. The exciting thing is that our CTR (as a proxy for lots of interest) is crushing: 0.85% avg with some ads as high as 1.56% 🤯 (Keep in mind, we’re optimizing for reach, not CTR!) And we’re seeing positive signals in other areas too (website traffic, high intent demo requests, meetings, etc.) 📈 Want to see examples? Go to our Zingtree page, go to posts, then filter to ads. Anyone else seeing success in creating demand like this?