demandgeneration marketingstrategy

6 Strategic Steps to Transform Your Marketing Ideas into Successful Campaigns

How do you take a Marketing strategy and turn it into execution? Here’s a simple 6 step overview.

1. Determine an overall marketing strategy that aligns with the company strategy

2. Estimate using a forecast model in Google Sheets what can be created in terms of sales accepted opportunities and revenue, broken down by month, region, and marketing strategy idea

3. Within each strategy, break that down into quarterly plans

4. Determine specific programs or campaigns to execute within that quarter. As an example, for demand generation, we have two types – always-on campaigns and ABM campaigns. 

5. Set quantitative goals for each that aligns back to the forecast model I mentioned earlier

6. While a campaign is running, be monitoring: # of leads, # of MQLs, # of meetings, # of sales accepted opportunities, and the cost per each of those.

For us, we use leads, MQLs, and the cost per each as leading indicators, but the better indicators are meetings and sales accepted opportunities. And ultimately revenue, but that is a long lagging indicator.

For us, it takes 16 days on average for a lead to become an opportunity.

That means we want to generally let things run and tweak them for a month, unless we have those early indicators showing us it’s working poorly. For instance, if 40% of the leads are MQLs, then we know there is a lead quality issue and things need to be changed quickly.

–> Follow these 6 steps to start making your ideas a reality.

b2bmarketing demandgeneration

Transitioning from Capture Demand to Creating Demand: A Gradual Approach for Business Success

If your company is primarily “capture demand” focused and you want to move to “creating demand”, then you may want to make a transition to more create demand $ somewhat gradually.

Otherwise, you might pull the wrong levers accidentally.

Better to move as a transition rather than a light switch so that you don’t cause mistaken harm.

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Unlocking Customer Insight: The Power of ‘How Did You Hear About Us?’ in Marketing Strategy

10 REAL answers to our “How did you hear about us?” form field below 👇

Some people write PARAGRAPHS of text giving us amazing qualitative insights – things marketing attribution software alone will never be able to show us.

There is no way Marketing can get these insights from dark social if we don’t have this field. 
Add it as a required free text field, not a dropdown… 


– From web and from friends in other Companies that have used/tested the product

– Linked-In

– Facebook ad

– Referred by Zendesk Support

– Talkdesk AppConnect

– Used it in my last company

– I have been looking for a solution for our Technical Support Operations and Customer Experience team that would centralize data, reduce onboarding and ramp up time, standardize troubleshooting and integrate with existing systems. I went through an extensive search online and found several options but none of them met my expectations. I came across a 58 min and 42 second youtube video, “Getting Started with Zingtree”, hosted by Brad Schieber and Debbie McCormick, that was everything I was looking for and more. That video as well as a dozen or so other videos led me to your free plan which allowed me to get hands on with creating trees. I presented the demo trees to company leadership and my director has asked me to reach out to you to see if we can schedule a demo.

– Previously used Zingtree when employed by [previous company]. Left company for several years after aquisition by [company]. Not sure what happened to Zingtree use in my absence. Would like to demonstrate the value to my boss (DIrector of Global Support) with a proof of concept example. Thanks /[his name]

– I met clinical research md’s who will be using platform for stroke patients. I work for a company running a clinical trial for stroke and would like to know more information.

– Hello, my Name is [name] and I am a [job title] for [company] in Germany. We at [company] are looking for a Salesforce integrated Agent Scripting tool to replace a legacy tool with Salesforce integration. I became aware of Zingtree through my own online research for agent scripting tools with native Salesforce integration. We’d like to get a demo of the agent scripting capabilities of your product. Looking forward to hear from you, [name]

What’s holding you back from adding this field? If you already have it, what do your answers look like?

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Unlocking Business Growth: A Comprehensive Guide to Implementing OKRs for Effective Demand Creation in Marketing

Steal my OKRs for Creating Demand, and put them in your Marketing plan 👇

Objective 1: Create demand

🚀 Key Result (KR) 1: Launch X groups of ads on LI/FB (integration-specific ads & educational ads). Quant: Reach X people in our target audience. Maintain a X%+ CTR from LI ads. Direct traffic to high-intent pages (home page, pricing page, demo page, customer stories, etc) increases by X%+.

🎯 KR2: Implement & adopt’s Metamatch to make our ads even more targeted to our ICP, esp. on FB

✍️ KR3: Grow social engagement: employees & corporate posting regularly. Engagement rate: LI – X% QoQ, TW – X% QoQ. X total posts by ZT employees.

📣 KR4: Zingtree folks get on X podcasts for free

1️⃣ We have 5 objectives this quarter, and the other objectives affect creating demand too, but this is the primary one about it.
2️⃣ I’ve taken out our specific numbers so that you can adopt it to your business easily.
3️⃣ Creating demand is very new for us (I’m new to @zingtree), so that’s why my KR1 doesn’t have specific opp or pipeline goals associated with it. It takes some time before we can count on these producing later stage results.

What do your create demand OKRs look like? What would you add/change about mine?

b2bmarketing demandgeneration okrs

Strategic Breakdown: Allocating Marketing Efforts for Inbound, Outbound, and Channel Partnerships

CEO: “I need Marketing’s help in supporting other GTM areas like Outbound Sales and Channel Partnerships.”

Me: “Agreed, that’s in our plan.”

CEO: “Great. What % of your time will be focused on each?”

Me: “Let me get back to you on that this week.” Thinking in my head, “😳 I haven’t measured that before…”

Here’s how I came back & answered that question. Plus see my actual %s for each:

Take each KR in my OKRs and
1️⃣ Give it an effort rating (3=High, 2=Medium, 1=Low)
2️⃣ Then distribute 10 points among Inbound, Outbound, & Channel. 
E.g. 6 to inbound, 3 to outbound, 1 to channel.
Use the points system b/c one initiative may help multiple parts of GTM.

3️⃣ Multiply effort X points to get effort-weighted points for each KR
4️⃣ Do this for every KR and sum up the effort-weighted points for Inbound, Outbound, & Channel. 
5️⃣ Get the % of total for each item. E.g. Inbound is 52% of the total effort-weighted points.

➡️ Now go share how much of Marketing’s time is spent generating inbound, supporting Outbound, and supporting Channel.

Here’s a partial example:
My last post talked about 1 of my 5 OKRs. I’ll show you how I gave points to them. 

🚀 Key Result (KR) 1: Launch X groups of ads on LI/FB (integration-specific ads & educational ads). Quant: Reach X people in our target audience. Maintain a X%+ CTR from LI ads. Direct traffic to high-intent pages (home page, pricing page, demo page, customer stories, etc) increases by X%+.
➡️ Effort: 3. Points to Inbound: 6, Points to Outbound: 3, Points to Channel: 1

🎯 KR2: Implement & adopt’s Metamatch to make our ads even more targeted to our ICP, esp. on FB
➡️ Effort: 2. Points to Inbound: 8, Points to Outbound: 1, Points to Channel: 1

✍️ KR3: Grow social engagement: employees & corporate posting regularly. Engagement rate: LI – X% QoQ, TW – X% QoQ. X total posts by ZT employees.
➡️ Effort: 3. Points to Inbound: 6, Points to Outbound: 3, Points to Channel: 1

📣 KR4: Zingtree folks get on X podcasts for free
➡️ Effort: 3. Points to Inbound: 8, Points to Outbound: 1, Points to Channel: 1

I did that for all of the OKRs. In the end for the effort-weighted points, I got:
52% Inbound, 24% Outbound, 24% Channel.

What do you think are ideal effort-weighted point % ratios?
Think you can apply this for your personal or team OKRs?

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Revolutionizing Pipeline Creation: How Cutting Paid Search Spend by 50% Boosted Our Marketing Efficiency

We are cutting our paid search spend by 50% & expecting almost NO impact on pipeline creation.

Why? B/c we’ve found keywords that have never created an opportunity in the last year. It’s likely that these won’t in the future.

Now we can repurpose this budget for more effective initiatives.

For us, that primarily means starting paid social focused on distribution and reach to our whole audience with our key messages.
To move them from:
problem unaware -> problem aware
category unaware -> category aware
solution unaware -> solution aware

What % of your keywords have never produced pipeline? Or do the analysis & report back your findings!

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Exploring DAM the Demand: A Real-World Performance Analysis of Innovative Marketing Approach

Here’s a REAL example with performance stats of “DAM the Demand” 👀

Below are the early results, how we did it, and our specific examples.

ℹ️ DAM the Demand is an idea from Christopher Lochhead ❄️🐾 🏴‍☠️: You think you want that, but you really need this instead! When you’re creating a new category, this can be super powerful as a way to get the budget and mind-share switched to your product.

RESULTS in the first 8 days since launch:

➡️ Campaign objective: reach (we want guaranteed distribution to our whole audience)
➡️ Reach: 7.3% of our our target audience
➡️ Avg Frequency our audience has seen the ad: 1.6
➡️ CTR for specific ads range from .44% to 1.01%! (CTR is a proxy for high interest, and .4% is a good benchmark for solid ads.)
➡️ We even got 1 high intent demo request from them already! Self reported attribution and Hubspot attribution both showed it, even though the campaign objectives are reach!


➡️ These are educational DAM the Demand style ads on LinkedIn and Facebook. Optimized for DISTRIBUTION and REACH, not for lead gen forms or website visits.
Audience network and audience expansion are turned off.
➡️ Our goal is to educate them in the feed itself; not optimize for getting them to click out of LI or FB.
➡️ If they happen to click through to our site, that’s a good proxy sign of their high interest! But it’s not the main goal.


➡️ See the images below for what they actually look like.
➡️ Our unique point of view that is different: 
“Let’s be real. AI for Support only works for small use cases. But you probably have lots of complex cases you need humans for.

Elevate your humans through Zingtree’s conversational workflow software.

Turn every agent into an expert regardless of their tenure by guiding them through your company’s best practices in real-time.”

Questions on this? 
Have you considered Daming demand? 
How have you done it or what are you considering?

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Boosting Brand Awareness: How Zingtree Reached Over a Quarter of its Target Audience in Just 30 Days

27%+ of our entire target audience has now learned about Zingtree in the last 30 days 🔥
Before, probably <2% knew about us. How did this happen? We started running educational category, product, & customer ads on LinkedIn and Facebook. Optimized for DISTRIBUTION and REACH, not for lead gen forms or website visits. Each person in the 27% saw our ads avg 7+ times in that month, so we kept a high frequency. And there are fresh messages: 3 themes with a total of 20 different ads, so they’re not seeing the exact same thing. Our goal is to educate them in the feed itself; not optimize for getting them to click out of LI or FB. If they happen to click through to our site, that’s a good proxy sign of their high interest! But it’s not the main goal. The exciting thing is that our CTR (as a proxy for lots of interest) is crushing: 0.85% avg with some ads as high as 1.56% 🤯 (Keep in mind, we’re optimizing for reach, not CTR!) And we’re seeing positive signals in other areas too (website traffic, high intent demo requests, meetings, etc.) 📈 Want to see examples? Go to our Zingtree page, go to posts, then filter to ads. Anyone else seeing success in creating demand like this?

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How We Boosted Our Pipeline by $10K While Slashing Our Paid Search Budget by 50%: An Insightful Conversation with Sam Dunning

Great talking to Sam Dunning about how we cut our paid search budget by 50% and still produced $10K more pipeline that month!

Give it a listen and let me know if you have any questions 👋

b2bmarketing demandgeneration

Boost Your Sales Pipeline: A Comprehensive Guide to Improving Your Demo Request to Opportunity Conversion Rate

One of the most underrated metrics to look at:

Your demo request → opportunity conversion rate

Without spending more, you can get more pipeline created just by improving this metric!

Want to find the failure points? Break down request to opp further:
Demo request → Meeting scheduled
Meeting scheduled → Meeting attended
Meeting attended → Opp created

Your breakdown might look different if BDRs meet with a prospect before an AE, if you demo in a second meeting, etc.

Which area of breakdown have you seen the best improvements in?