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Creating a Successful 2023 Support Tech Landscape: An Unbiased Approach to Positioning Your Brand

Have you thought about making a tech landscape for your industry? We just created the 2023 Support Tech Landscape.

Here’s why and how we did it 👇


It didn’t exist for Customer Support, so we had a green field opportunity

We get to choose how we position ourselves in the mental map of prospects

We get to highlight the drawbacks (and strengths) of other categories of products

This is a dark social share-worthy piece for people to share with colleagues that will drive traffic to our website and help people learn about us


1. We asked Support leaders NOT affiliated with Zingtree – not current customers – to write the article so that it came across more objectively

2. I suggested the categories to use

3. I suggested the structure to use:
-category definition
-short description of each vendor in the category
-pros and cons of each category

4. They wrote it

5. We reviewed and shared feedback

6. Design turned them into images

Have you created a tech landscape before? How would you improve ours? See the full article in the comments.