b2bmarketing creative demandgeneration

Unlocking the Secrets of Successful LinkedIn Ads: A Deep Dive into ‘Create Demand’ Campaigns

Curious how “create demand” LinkedIn ads actually look? 👇

These are actual ads we’re running and getting great engagement and reach on.

Key components:

1. Educational message in the image (Zingtree + Zendesk integration story)

2. Long post copy so that those who are curious can dig in and learn more.

3. CTA text to learn more (explicitly not about getting a demo)

4. Related web page when someone clicks through

Deployment strategy:
– Distribution-focused reach to our whole audience that we know uses Zendesk already
– The goal is education in the feed; not a lead gen form fill
– Audience expansion & LinkedIn audience network off

How would you improve these?

Shoutout to Omar I. Hamoda for the great designs!