
What Do You Want to be Known For?

I have been thinking about this one question a lot for the last week and a half.

What do you want to be known for?


Why do you need to ask this?

This is such an important question to ask yourself. Asking and answering this question can define how you live your life. By figuring out what you want to be known for, it allows you to then start living those characteristics out.

You’re going to be known for something. Why not figure out what you want to be known for and then start being known for that through your actions.

What do you need to do?

Ask. Answer.

  • Ask this question of yourself.
    • Ruminate on this question for a while.
    • Let it soak through into you and touch all parts of your mind.
    • Think about what you are already known for. How would your friends describe you? Maybe use these as starters. Or as things to stop being known for.
  • Answer this question.
    • After thinking about it, then start writing down what you want to be known for.
    • Just starting listing characterisitics, attributes, words, things. Whatever.
    • Then narrow it down. Narrow it down to 5 or 10 key things.

Now that you know what you want to be known for, go start living it out! Embody those characteristics in all of your actions. In time, others will come to know you by these things as well.



I thought about sharing what I want to be known for, but I don’t want you to just copy the same things.

But I’ll share with you the #1 thing I want to be known for: Being a follower of Jesus, a man after God’s own heart.

I’d encourage you to make that your #1 as well. (For more info on who Jesus is and why you should follow him, click here.)


What do you want to be known for? You’re already known for something, now define it yourself and go live it!