b2bmarketing internationalmarketing

Maximizing International Leads: Effective Translation Strategies for Multilingual Websites

“How did you hear about us?” – INTERNATIONAL style

This form field gets more complex when your website is in multiple languages.

How do you get qualitative insights if you can’t understand what the lead says? Do you really want to manually translate every time? No!

Here are a few ways to solve this:

– Use Salesforce Data Translation. Make a new field with the same name and put “(Translated)” at the end of the field name.

– Regularly export the data and use the =googletranslate function inside Google Sheets.

– Become fluent in every language you market in 😉


Unlocking Marketing Success: The Power of Stakeholder Interviews in Revealing Hidden Insights

Colleagues in other departments have opinions about what isn’t working in Marketing.

And most of it is true… Take the time to do stakeholder interviews & you’ll find golden nuggets. And you’ll start to see patterns.

Some may confirm your hunches while others change your view.

marketingstrategy onboarding

Revolutionize Your Marketing Strategy: How Onboarding a New Sales Leader Can Drive Success

A new Sales leader joins your company. Get ready for that to either disrupt or enhance your Marketing strategy.

Best way to make sure it enhances:

Do lots of early onboarding meetings and knowledge sharing with them. Become their close ally with a shared vision and plan.

Why meet with them a lot early on?

1. It helps them learn about the past results

2. They have a new, outside perspective that can help you reevaluate and enhance strategies

3. You’re going to be collaborating with them a lot so you should start it out well

What would you add to this list?


Maximizing Marketing Success: The Strategic Advantages of Regional Remote Hiring

My field marketing hiring philosophy:

Hire remotely but hire in a city or region where you think you’ll have the most in-person events or interactions.

This typically means you’ll save a lot on travel costs, and this person may be able to leverage their local network of connections immediately.

How about you? Agree/disagree?

b2bmarketing salesengineering

Unlocking Potential: Why Sales Engineering Needs Access to Marketing Funnel Metrics

Hot take: Sales Engineering should have access to the same Sales & Marketing funnel metrics and dashboards that Marketing has. They’re a valuable piece of the pie and contribute good ideas, esp. when empowered with the same data!


Unleashing Business Potential: How Understanding Your Customer’s Tech Stack Can Boost Your ICP Research Strategy

Understanding the tech stack of your customers & prospects is underrated in ICP research.

This helps you figure out how you fit into their overall strategy, integrations you should promote or build, and where the budget might be coming from for your product.

How has this question helped you?


Maximizing Your First Week in Sales: Turning Customer Pain Points into Marketing Solutions

Day 3 of the new job: I’m joining Sales calls, meeting with my team, and meeting with peers. Why?

1. Hear the pain points from customers. Remember the *exact* words they use so that you can use them in your Marketing.
2. Build rapport with your team and hear their ideas.
3. Start hearing what Marketing needs to improve.

b2bmarketing influencermarketing

Unlocking B2B Influencer Marketing Secrets: Insights from My Recent Podcast Interview

I was interviewed on a podcast talking about how to do B2B influencer marketing.

Views & % watched on YouTube can actually be helpful metrics to track if you’re certain your content is spot-on.

It shows you how people are engaging with & understanding your point of view.

Check out the full episode in the comments!


Unlocking B2B Success: The Truth about Conversion Rate Optimization and Form Fields

Make sure not to over-index on conversion rate optimization in B2B.

Adding one more field to a form isn’t going to deter someone with high intent on contacting you.

b2bmarketing salesstrategy

Boosting Business Success: Effective Strategies for Aligning Marketing and Sales

Marketers, are you aligned with Sales?

If not, here are a few tips for how to do that better.

Shoutout to Jeremy Bergeron with for asking this important question during a podcast interview when I was still at Voximplant.