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Unlocking Customer Insight: The Power of ‘How Did You Hear About Us?’ in Marketing Strategy

10 REAL answers to our “How did you hear about us?” form field below 👇

Some people write PARAGRAPHS of text giving us amazing qualitative insights – things marketing attribution software alone will never be able to show us.

There is no way Marketing can get these insights from dark social if we don’t have this field. 
Add it as a required free text field, not a dropdown… 


– From web and from friends in other Companies that have used/tested the product

– Linked-In

– Facebook ad

– Referred by Zendesk Support

– Talkdesk AppConnect

– Used it in my last company

– I have been looking for a solution for our Technical Support Operations and Customer Experience team that would centralize data, reduce onboarding and ramp up time, standardize troubleshooting and integrate with existing systems. I went through an extensive search online and found several options but none of them met my expectations. I came across a 58 min and 42 second youtube video, “Getting Started with Zingtree”, hosted by Brad Schieber and Debbie McCormick, that was everything I was looking for and more. That video as well as a dozen or so other videos led me to your free plan which allowed me to get hands on with creating trees. I presented the demo trees to company leadership and my director has asked me to reach out to you to see if we can schedule a demo.

– Previously used Zingtree when employed by [previous company]. Left company for several years after aquisition by [company]. Not sure what happened to Zingtree use in my absence. Would like to demonstrate the value to my boss (DIrector of Global Support) with a proof of concept example. Thanks /[his name]

– I met clinical research md’s who will be using platform for stroke patients. I work for a company running a clinical trial for stroke and would like to know more information.

– Hello, my Name is [name] and I am a [job title] for [company] in Germany. We at [company] are looking for a Salesforce integrated Agent Scripting tool to replace a legacy tool with Salesforce integration. I became aware of Zingtree through my own online research for agent scripting tools with native Salesforce integration. We’d like to get a demo of the agent scripting capabilities of your product. Looking forward to hear from you, [name]

What’s holding you back from adding this field? If you already have it, what do your answers look like?