Our whole Marketing team has better insights on our customers than almost every employee outside of our Sales & CX team.
That’s because every Marketer at Zingtree meets with 10 prospects, customers, or ICPs per quarter.
These insights guide our writing, our design, our strategies.
Want to implement this in your org? Here are some ways:
Take amazing notes during the meetings, esp. when joining Sales & CX calls.
Now you are an asset b/c you give the rep great notes, rather than being a burden for joining the call.
Make it an OKR for every Marketer every quarter
Join relevant Slack/FB communities so you have access to ask ICPs to chat
Look at Sales & CX calendars and ask to join meetings and be a fly on the wall
Build trust with Sales & CX by being an asset with meeting notes AND by being responsive to many of their requests in general.
How are you getting insights and upleveling Marketing’s value in the company?