b2bmarketing design generativeAI

Leveraging Generative AI and Omar I. Hamoda’s Expertise for Revolutionary Ad Design: A Shoutout to Zingtree

We’re using Omar I. Hamoda’s design & editing talent + generative AI (Midjourney) to take our ads to another level!

Pushing the boundaries of what will be scroll-stopping + communicating our message.

We use the text copy above the ad images to further communicate our message too.

Can we give a round of applause to Omar!?

Also, if your company has a contact center, tell them to check out Zingtree 😊

b2bmarketing demandgeneration pipeline

6 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Sales Pipeline Mid-Quarter: An Insider’s Guide

When pipeline creation is trending lower than expected mid-quarter… 🧐

Here are my favorite levers to increase it during the same quarter:

1️⃣ Looking at where the conversion rates are falling off & dig into why. 
It may uncover some process issues that could improve things in-quarter.

2️⃣ Review lead follow-up by the Sales rep / SDR & see if any didn’t get the right follow-up / Sales forgot to respond
(Ideally, this is automated with alerts but most companies don’t have this set up)

3️⃣ Reach out to old leads to see if things have changed on their end & they want to restart the conversation

4️⃣ Double check your audience targeting, ad frequency, CTRs, etc. in paid social
(Ideally always ongoing but most only check this monthly)

5️⃣ Increase impression share on top-performing paid search keywords 
(You spend more but may be able to take money from another area to cover it)

6️⃣ Talk w/ peers to see if it may be b/c of an industry / economic slowdown

What are your favorites for generating more new pipe in the same quarter?

b2bmarketing pipeline

Boosting Revenue with Effective Pipeline Strategies: How Paid Search, Social Referrals, and Rebranding Can Drive Your Business Success

A few of the programs that have driven substantial pipeline and revenue for us have been:

– Paid & organic search
– Paid & organic social
– Referrals

What’s made all of these work better for us?

– We have significantly re-worked our positioning & story
– We created new content
– We underwent a new rebrand

What are your biggest pipeline drivers?

b2bmarketing customersupport productmarketing

Creating a Successful 2023 Support Tech Landscape: An Unbiased Approach to Positioning Your Brand

Have you thought about making a tech landscape for your industry? We just created the 2023 Support Tech Landscape.

Here’s why and how we did it 👇


It didn’t exist for Customer Support, so we had a green field opportunity

We get to choose how we position ourselves in the mental map of prospects

We get to highlight the drawbacks (and strengths) of other categories of products

This is a dark social share-worthy piece for people to share with colleagues that will drive traffic to our website and help people learn about us


1. We asked Support leaders NOT affiliated with Zingtree – not current customers – to write the article so that it came across more objectively

2. I suggested the categories to use

3. I suggested the structure to use:
-category definition
-short description of each vendor in the category
-pros and cons of each category

4. They wrote it

5. We reviewed and shared feedback

6. Design turned them into images

Have you created a tech landscape before? How would you improve ours? See the full article in the comments.

marketing newjobsameme

Embarking on a New Journey: From Zingtree’s Success to a Fresh Start in the Corporate World

Big news: I’m starting a new adventure!

I’ll announce the new company I’m joining on Monday. It’s even cooler than the outdoor walking desk I’ve built! (I’ll post about this hobby project tomorrow)

Although it’s difficult to leave behind the great people and plans of Zingtree, I’m thrilled to take on this new exciting opportunity.

During my time at Zingtree, I saw significant progress across the entire company & especially in Marketing. I’m thankful to have been a part of this growth. A few highlights:
-Pipeline & ARR growth
-Move to a modern demand gen approach
-Rework of the company positioning & messaging
-Rebrand & new visual identity

Collaborating with all of my colleagues at Zingtree was incredibly enjoyable. I’ll miss you all!

I’m grateful to Juan Jaysingh & David Apple for bringing me on board initially & upholding the culture that I appreciated being a part of.

I’m excited to witness how Zingtree will continue to grow to new heights!

Stay tuned for updates on my new journey! And I’ll continue to build in public with practical strategies & tactics 🙂

generativeAI marketing

Revolutionize Your Content Strategy with AI: Introducing a Fully Automated, Customizable Blog Post Generator

My second invention: a customizable blog post generation product using generative AI 🤖
And I made it fully automated end-to-end (from prompting to publishing).

-Take in a long list of relevant prompts (or generate them for you)
-Add any relevant context to bolster the prompts (optionally automated through an API)
-Generate articles using OpenAI’s API
-Auto-publish or auto-schedule to your website blog & also save them locally
-All of the API parameters are customizable, so you don’t get stock answers like ChatGPT, Jasper, etc.

I’ve started using it myself on a consumer-facing product website, and it works like magic.

If you’re interested in using it at the company you work for, reach out to me ($10K+ annual contract).

And yes, I’ve been working on hobby projects in the two weeks I took before starting the new job 🙂

fitness laughingatme remotework

Revolutionize Your Workday: How to Build Your Own Outdoor Walking Desk

My new invention: The Outdoor Walking Desk! 🚶‍♂️

I wrote up a free instructional kit for you to be able to assemble your own (link below) 👇

Tired of being stuck inside all day, sitting at a desk for hours on end? If so, this is the perfect solution for you!
I do all types of work while using this outside. Email, writing, meetings, reading, coding, etc. The only tasks that are hard are those that need pixel-perfect design.
If nothing else, humor me by downloading the free PDF & sending it to someone who would laugh. It’s my first time creating something like this 🤞

Whatcha think? Love it, hate it, think you’d use it? 
Seen me walking around Silicon Valley with this?

b2bmarketing demandgeneration facebookads linkedinads

Unlocking Marketing Success: A Comprehensive Guide on Creating Demand & Scaling New Pipeline

New launch: my detailed playbook on “How To Create Demand and Scale Net New Pipeline” (free, no email required)

This 2,500+ word article goes into specific strategies and tactics about:
– Defining your ICP & unique POV
– Details for building advanced audiences
– Ad optimizations, frequency, and metrics
– Example ads
And more!

This is one of the most all-encompassing Marketing pieces I’ve created. And shoutout to Blake Strozyk and Silvio Perez for helping me write it up!

Finding something useful in it? Comment with favorite emoji to let me know 🚵‍♂️
Have a question? Ask away!

flightdeals ihaveweirdhobbies travel

Revolutionize Your Travel Planning with My Innovative Free Flight Deals Email Service

My third invention: a free flight deals email service 🛫

It’s like Scott’s Cheap Flights except you choose destinations, you can save way more filters, and you don’t need specific dates.

Also, it shows a chart of price trends for your search with all the filters included.

Try it out for free! (link in comments)

More details in case you’re curious:

– You don’t need to search specific dates. You can choose something like: 10-15 day trip to London sometime btwn June and September
– You can search over a rolling year of flights
– Avoid getting alerts for annoying 5 AM flights you wouldn’t take
– Other services show avg prices without including any parameters. You get to see a chart of price trends for your search with all the related parameters.

An example of parameters:
– Round trip: SFO,SJC,OAK <-> LHR,FRA,BER
– Anytime within 2023-03-11 to 2024-02-28
– With the nights in destination ranging from 6 to 16
– Depart on a: Thursday or Friday
– Departure time from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM
– Arrival time from 8:00 AM to 11:00 PM
– Return departure time from 8:00 AM to 11:00 PM
– Return arrival time from 8:00 AM to 11:00 PM
Also available: airline, # of layovers, price cap

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that a friend and I created a flight deals iPhone app that launched a few weeks after the pandemic started (yes, we did not foresee that in our planning lol). We eventually had to shut it down because of cost and flight API issues.
Thankfully, an email service is very affordable to run, and I’m using a new flight API!

This is the final hobby project I’ve created during my two weeks off before starting the new job. Won’t have much time for them soon, but they’ve been energizing to work on 🤓

startups svb

Surviving the SVB Collapse: Impacts and Implications on Startups, Hiring, and Venture Capital

Be prepared for all the potential implications of SVB collapsing…

– How many of your software vendors will still be in business in a few weeks?

– Even if you don’t bank with SVB, how will your customer churn be affected by this if you have startups as customers (that may go bankrupt)?

– Will there be a firesale of startups to bigger companies b/c they can’t make payroll?

– How will this change hiring when potentially thousands of employees are laid off in 1-4+ weeks?

– How will future VC investing change if much of their dry powder money waiting to be invested is gone?

– How will startups fare if their runway is cut in half (or worse)? Even if a startup used 2-3 banks and one of them was SVB, that could still dramatically cut their cash runway.

– How will LPs of VCs (universities, nonprofits, pension plans, etc.) be affected by some of their returns being wiped out?

What are other implications?

My heart goes out to all those affected…